Johannes Brahms: Schicksalslied

Son­ntag, 19. Novem­ber 2023 Johannes Brahms: Schick­sal­slied op. 54 Josef Gabriel Rhein­berg­er: Requiem in B flat minor MUSICAL DIRECTOR David Schollmey­er SOPRAN Wiltrud de Vries ALT Annette Gut­jahr TENOR Bern­hard Schef­fel BASS Allan Parkes CHOIR Bach Choir...

Fall concerts

Novem­ber 3 & 4, 7 p.m.: Lieder recital with works by R. Strauss and R. Wag­n­er in the Rit­ter­saal of the Gan­zow manor house. Pianist: Matthias Veit Admis­sion only after pre-reg­is­tra­tion by e‑mail and writ­ten con­fir­ma­tion from the orga­niz­er:...


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